Friday, August 28, 2009

Marshall's CLEARANCE

I stumbled upon Marshall's Bi-Annual Clearance (according to the gal at the check-out) and got each of the candle holders and the jewelry box for $2.00 each.  The "window box" with 3 boxes inside was $3.00 and so was the glass.  I also got a designer hairspray for $2.00.   That was fun!
I'm participating in Thrifty Monday on the SOUTHERN


  1. Love clearance sales! Great bargains!

    Cute kitties! I have mine posted on my blog, too!

    ~ Pam

  2. Omigosh! What a stumble!! Great buys!

  3. Wish I had a Marshalls. Great deals and such nice things.

  4. Great finds, Melissa! Don't forget to add a link back to my party, please. :)

  5. Oh, and to put in your post permalink next time, instead of just your blog url. It's the address when you click on THIS post, so next time you'll know to use that on. I fixed it this time!

  6. Love those finds, good work! Happy Thrifting-

  7. LOL I have that same box (the one w/ 3 wooden boxes inside), exzcept mine is green. I watched that price go down for weeks, until it was low enough for me to buy. Just love Marshall's clearances
